Dog Owners Information
Home » Dog Owners Information
We welcome dog walkers to Catton Park. To help everyone enjoy their visit there are good practices that we would encourage dog owners to follow.
Please use the dog waste bins provided near all of the park entrances. Uncollected dog waste is very unpleasant and gets on the footware and clothing of all visitors. It is anti-social to not clear up after your dog and spoils the enjoyment of all visitors to the Park.
The annual cost to the Trust for disposing of dog waste is £5,000.
The Trust welcomes and contributions and donations towards this cost.
- Please keep your dog under control.
- Dogs are not allowed in the picnic area or Buxton Lodge.
- Dogs can be off the lead as long as they remain under close control.
- Your dog should be in your sight and come to your side when called.
- Dogs should not be allowed to chase wildlife.
- It is the dog owners responsibility if their dog attacks another dog or person.

Not everyone likes dogs. Some people, especially children and the elderly may be frightened by even friendly dogs.
In the car park, loose dogs can cause accidents around moving cars or may run into the road.